Collection: Tips to Successful Buying and Selling of Jewelry

Whether you are buying or selling jewellery, you want to be successful. One of the best ways to do both is to work with a dealer of gold and silver items. Dealers who specialize in buying silver and gold jewellery can help you earn quick cash while also offering you a deal on products. When selling jewellery in Kitchener and looking to buy investment pieces, consider working with a reputable dealer. Below are a few tips for both buying and selling so that you can be sure to make the best decisions for your jewellery investment needs.


When you are buying gold and silver jewellery, you want to get the best deal possible. Whether you are buying to wear or buying as an investment, you want to pay as little as possible. You can find pieces to buy from a variety of sources including auctions, estate sales and dealers. You can even look online. Many dealers offer online auction sites or sales so that purchasers can find quality items for their next investment. Conduct a search locally as well as online to be able to find the best deals for particular items, gold or silver weight, etc. When you do your homework, you can find resources in your area that will assist you in purchasing new items and have somewhere to come back to when you are in need of more pieces.


When selling gold and silver jewellery, you also need quality resources. You need to get rid of pieces quickly in order to cut down the size of your collection or to have funds to purchase more. One of the easiest ways to sell jewellery is to work with a dealer. This is especially handy when you have broken pieces of jewellery. A dealer of gold and silver will be able to pay you for these items based on their purity or karat weight. Gold pieces of 10k, 14k, 18k, and above will provide you with value while silver will need to be .925, Sterling, etc. in order to provide you with quick cash.

Once you find a reputable dealer, you will be able to go back to them time and time again to be paid for your items. Depending on the price of gold and silver, you may be able to earn a decent amount. Choose to work with dealers who specialize in gold and silver. Build a relationship so that you can be contacted when key pieces come in or to get a better selling or buying price point.

At Colonial Acres, we can assist you with the buying and selling of gold and silver jewellery. We offer services online as well as a land-based location to help you sell or purchase jewellery items. Let us help you with your gold and silver jewellery needs. Contact our representatives today to learn more about the service options we provide.